926 research outputs found

    Semantic perturbative privacy-preserving methods for nominal data

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    L’explotació de microdades personals (p. ex., dades censals, preferències, o registres de salut) és de gran interès per a la mineria de dades. Aquestes dades sovint contenen informació sensible que pot ser directament o indirectament relacionada amb els individus. Per tant, cal implementar mesures per a preservar la privadesa i minimitzar el risc de re-identificació i, conseqüentment, de revelació d’informació confidencial sobre els individus. Tot i que s’han desenvolupat nombroses mètodes per preservar la privadesa de dades numèriques, la protecció de valors nominals ha rebut escassa atenció. Donat que la utilitat d’aquest tipus de dades està estretament relacionada amb la preservació de la seva semàntica, en aquest treball explotem diverses tecnologies semàntiques per fe possible una protecció coherent amb el significat de les dades nominals. Específicament, fem servir ontologies com a base per a proposar un marc de treball semàntic que permeti manegar dades nominals segons en seu significat en tasques de protecció; aquest marc consta d’un conjunt d’operadors que caracteritzen i transformen dades nominals a la vegada que consideren la seva semàntica. A partir d’aquí, fer servir aquest marc per adaptar mètodes pertorbatius de protecció de la privadesa. Particularment, ens centrem en mètodes basats als dos principis subjacents a la protecció de dades: enfocaments basats en permutació, concretament, rank swapping, y addicció de soroll. Els mètodes proposats han estat avaluats extensament amb conjunts de dades reals. Els resultats experimentals mostren que manegar les dades nominals semànticament millora significativament la interpretabilitat i la utilitat dels resultats protegits.La explotación de microdatos personales (p. ej., datos del censo, preferencias, o registros de salud) es de gran interés para la minería de datos. Tales datos a menudo contienen información sensible que puede ser directa o indirectamente relacionada con los individuos. Por tanto, resulta necesario implementar medidas para preservar la privacidad y para minimizar el riesgo de re-identificación y, por consiguiente, de revelación de información confidencial sobre los individuos. Pese a que se han desarrollado numerosos métodos para preservar la privacidad de datos numéricos, la protección de valores nominales ha recibido escasa atención. Puesto que la utilidad de este tipo de datos está estrechamente relacionada con la preservación de su semántica, en este trabajo explotamos varias tecnologías semánticas para posibilitar una protección coherente con el significado de los datos nominales. Específicamente, utilizamos ontologías como base para proponer un marco de trabajo semántico que permita manejar datos nominales según su significado en tareas de protección; dicho marco consta de un conjunto de operadores que caracterizan y transforman datos nominales a la vez que tienen en consideración su semántica. A partir de aquí, utilizamos este marco para adaptar métodos perturbativos de preservación de la privacidad al dominio nominal. Particularmente, nos centramos en métodos basados en los dos principios subyacentes a la protección de los datos: enfoques basados en permutación, concretamente, rank swapping, and adición de ruido. Los métodos propuestos han sido extensamente evaluados con conjuntos de datos reales. Resultados experimentales muestran que manejar los datos nominales semánticamente mejora significativamente la interpretabilidad y la utilidad de los resultados protegidos.The exploitation of personal microdata (such as census data, preferences or medical records) is of great interest for the data mining community. Such data often include sensitive information that can be directly or indirectly related to individuals. Therefore, privacy-preserving measures should be undertaken to minimize the risk of re-identification and, hence, of disclosing confidential information on the individuals. In the past, many privacy-preserving methods have been developed to deal with numerical data, but approaches tackling the protection of nominal values are scarce. Since the utility of this kind of data is closely related to the preservation of their semantics, in this work, we exploit several semantic technologies to enable a semantically-coherent protection of nominal data. Specifically, we use ontologies as the ground to propose a semantic framework that enables an appropriate management of nominal data in data protection tasks; such framework consists on a set of operators that characterize and transform nominal data while taking into account their semantics. Then, we use this framework to adapt perturbative privacy-preserving methods to the nominal domain. Specifically, we focus on methods based on the two main principles underlying to data protection: permutation-based approaches, i.e., rank swapping, and noise addition. The proposed methods have been extensively evaluated with real datasets. Experimental results show that a semantically-coherent management of nominal data significantly improves the semantic interpretability and the utility of the protected outcomes

    Protocolos de enrutamiento anónimos para redes Ad-Hoc (1ª parte)

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    En estas diapositivas de la asignatura Diseño Avanzado de Redes del Máster en Investigación en Ingeniería de Sistemas y de la Computación se exponen las versiones simplificadas de dos protocolos de enrutamiento anónimos para redes Ad-Hoc inalámbricas: ANODR (ANonymous On Demand Routing with Untraceable Routes for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks) y AnonDSR (efficient ANONymous Dynamic Source Routing for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks)

    Protocolos de enrutamiento anónimos para redes Ad-Hoc (2ª parte)

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    En estas diapositivas de la asignatura Diseño Avanzado de Redes del Máster en Investigación en Ingeniería de Sistemas y de la Computación se expone una versión simplificada del protocolo de enrutamiento anónimo SDAR (an efficient Secure Distributed Anonymous Routing protocol for mobile and wireless ad-hoc networks) para redes Ad-Hoc inalámbricas

    Privacy-Preserving Reengineering of Model-View-Controller Application Architectures Using Linked Data

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    When a legacy system’s software architecture cannot be redesigned, implementing additional privacy requirements is often complex, unreliable and costly to maintain. This paper presents a privacy-by-design approach to reengineer web applications as linked data-enabled and implement access control and privacy preservation properties. The method is based on the knowledge of the application architecture, which for the Web of data is commonly designed on the basis of a model-view-controller pattern. Whereas wrapping techniques commonly used to link data of web applications duplicate the security source code, the new approach allows for the controlled disclosure of an application’s data, while preserving non-functional properties such as privacy preservation. The solution has been implemented and compared with existing linked data frameworks in terms of reliability, maintainability and complexity

    Cooperative Privacy-Preserving Data Collection Protocol Based on Delocalized-Record Chains

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    This paper aims to advance the field of data anonymization within the context of Internet of Things (IoT), an environment where data collected may contain sensitive information about users. Specifically, we propose a privacy-preserving data publishing alternative that extends the privacy requirement to the data collection phase. Because our proposal offers privacy-preserving conditions in both the data collecting and publishing, it is suitable for scenarios where a central node collects personal data supplied by a set of devices, typically associated with individuals, without these having to assume trust in the collector. In particular, to limit the risk of individuals' re-identification, the probabilistic k-anonymity property is satisfied during the data collection process and the k-anonymity property is satisfied by the data set derived from the anonymization process. To carry out the anonymous sending of personal data during the collection process, we introduce the delocalized-record chain, a new mechanism of anonymous communication aimed at multi-user environments to collaboratively protect information, which by not requiring third-party intermediaries makes it especially suitable for private IoT networks (besides public IoT networks)

    Aprendizaje y servicio en análisis económico de las organizaciones: el caso de una cooperativa de consumo responsable

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    [Resumen] Los Proyectos de Aprendizaje y Servicio (ApS) se caracterizan por ser propuestas educativas que combinan procesos de aprendizaje y de servicio comunitario en un proyecto bien articulado, donde los participantes aprenden a trabajar en necesidades reales del entorno, con el fin de mejorarlo. En este contexto, y con la finalidad de incrementar la empatía y compromiso de los estudiantes universitarios con la economía social y colaborativa y el consumo consciente y responsable, se ha desarrollado un Proyecto ApS en la asignatura troncal Análisis Económico de las Organizaciones del grado en Economía, grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (ADE) y doble grado de ADE y Derecho de la Universidade da Coruña. En este sentido, el Proyecto ApS se desarrolló con la cooperativa de consumo responsable Zocamiñoca, de tal forma que los estudiantes elaboraron informes que respondían a sus problemas organizativos, lo que les permitió la adquisición de competencias relacionadas con el desempeño de labores de gestión, asesoramiento y evaluación de empresas, la aplicación de conocimientos a su trabajo de forma profesional y el respeto de los derechos fundamentales, la promoción de los Derechos Humanos y principios de igualdad (acción de aprendizaje).[Abstract] The Service-Learning Projects are characterised by being educational proposals that combine learning processes and community service. Students learn how to work in the real needs of the environment with the aim of improving it. In this context, and with the objective of increasing students´ empathy and commitment to social problems, a Service-Learning Project was developed in the subject Organisations Economic Analysis. It is a core subject in the grade of Business and Economics, as well as, in the double degree in Business-Law of the University of A Coruna. This project was developed with the responsible consumption cooperative Zocamiñoca. Students wrote reports that solved organizational problems that allowed them to acquire competences related to organization management and consulting, the application of knowledge to their professional life and the respect for fundamental rights, the promotion of human rights and principles of equality (learning action)

    Turismo del vino en el marco de Jerez. Un análisis desde la perspectiva de la oferta

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    Spain is a country with a well established tourism sector and a great wine-growing tradition, and is now constructing tourist wine routes with the aim of developing rural areas and, consequently, creating new tourist destinations. In this paper, an analysis of the supply of wine tourism in a specific area of Spain, the Sherry Region, is presented, with the aim of analysing how wine can be a key resource in tourism in a given geographical area.España, un país con un consolidado sector turístico y una gran tradición vitivinícola, está vertebrando la creación de rutas turísticas del vino con la finalidad de desarrollar áreas rurales y crear, por tanto, nuevos destinos turísticos. En este artículo presentamos un análisis de la oferta del enoturismo en una determinada zona, el Marco de Jerez, con la finalidad de analizar cómo el vino (y la gastronomía) pueden ser, y a veces lo es, el principal atractivo para visitar una determinada área geográfica

    Privacy Preservation and Analytical Utility of E-Learning Data Mashups in the Web of Data

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    Virtual learning environments contain valuable data about students that can be correlated and analyzed to optimize learning. Modern learning environments based on data mashups that collect and integrate data from multiple sources are relevant for learning analytics systems because they provide insights into students' learning. However, data sets involved in mashups may contain personal information of sensitive nature that raises legitimate privacy concerns. Average privacy preservation methods are based on preemptive approaches that limit the published data in a mashup based on access control and authentication schemes. Such limitations may reduce the analytical utility of the data exposed to gain students' learning insights. In order to reconcile utility and privacy preservation of published data, this research proposes a new data mashup protocol capable of merging and k-anonymizing data sets in cloud-based learning environments without jeopardizing the analytical utility of the information. The implementation of the protocol is based on linked data so that data sets involved in the mashups are semantically described, thereby enabling their combination with relevant educational data sources. The k-anonymized data sets returned by the protocol still retain essential information for supporting general data exploration and statistical analysis tasks. The analytical and empirical evaluation shows that the proposed protocol prevents individuals' sensitive information from re-identifying.The Spanish National Research Agency (AEI) funded this research through the project CREPES (ref. PID2020-115844RB-I00) with ERDF funds

    Incorporación de casos clínicos para la mejora de la enseñanza de Fisiopatología.

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    El objetivo de este proyecto ha sido analizar los resultados obtenidos en el desarrollo de una nueva metodología docente en la enseñanza de Fisiopatología, asignatura troncal impartida en tercer curso de la Licenciatura de Farmacia de la Universidad de Sevilla. El número de estudiantes es de 548 repartidos en 4 grupos. El proyecto implica la resolución de casos clínicos como nuevo método de enseñanza. Con esta actividad conseguimos que el alumno realice un análisis intensivo y completo de un problema real, con la finalidad de interpretarlo, resolverlo, contrastar datos, reflexionar e interrelacionar conocimientos. El resultado de la innovación muestra que la incorporación de casos clínicos a la enseñanza de Fisiopatología beneficia al alumnado, no solo en su participación y conocimiento de la materia, sino además, en la obtención de mejores calificaciones. Por otro lado, los alumnos han mostrado su satisfacción con la nueva metodología implantada, valorando positivamente la experiencia. Palabras clave: innovación docente, Fisiopatología, casos clínicos, metodología docente.The aim of this project is to analyze the results obtained in the development of a new educational methodology in the teaching of Physiopathology (a subject included in the third year of the Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy, at the University of Seville). The number of students is 548, divided into 4 groups. The project involves the resolution of clinical cases as a new teaching method. With this activity the students carry out a full and intensive analysis of a real problem in order to interpret, solve, compare data, reflect, and interrelate knowledge. The result of this new methodology shows that the incorporation of clinical cases into the teaching of Physiopathology benefits students not only in improving the participation in class and knowledge of the material, but also in achieving better marks. Furthermore, students have shown their satisfaction with the new implemented methodology, and appreciate the experience

    Oral Chronic Toxicity of the Safe Tetrodotoxin Dose Proposed by the European Food Safety Authority and Its Additive Effect with Saxitoxin

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    Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a potent natural toxin causative of human food intoxications that shares its mechanism of action with the paralytic shellfish toxin saxitoxin (STX). Both toxins act as potent blockers of voltage-gated sodium channels. Although human intoxications by TTX were initially described in Japan, nowadays increasing concern about the regulation of this toxin in Europe has emerged due to its detection in fish and mollusks captured in European waters. Currently, TTX is only regularly monitored in Dutch fishery products. However, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has established a safety level of 44 µg/kg TTX as the amount of toxin that did not cause adverse effects in humans. This level was extrapolated considering initial data on its acute oral toxicity and EFSA remarked the need for chronic toxicity studies to further reduce the uncertainty of future toxin regulations. Thus, in this work, we evaluated the oral chronic toxicity of TTX using the safety levels initially recommended by EFSA in order to exclude potential human health risks associated with the worldwide expanding presence of TTX. Using internationally recommended guidelines for the assessment of oral chronic toxicity, the data provided here support the proposed safety level for TTX as low enough to prevent human adverse effects of TTX even after chronic daily exposure to the toxin. However, the combination of TTX with STX at doses above the maximal exposure level of 5.3 µg/kg body weight derived by EFSA increased the lethality of TTX, thus confirming that both TTX and paralytic shellfish toxins should be taken into account to assess human health risksThe research leading to these results has received funding from the following European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) cofunded grants. From Conselleria de Cultura, Educacion e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia, 2017 GRC GI-1682 (ED431C 2017/01). From the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and Technological Funds, supported by Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, (AEI/FEDER, UE), ISCIII/PI16/01830 and RTC-2016-5507-2, ITC-20161072S